Competitions and Contests

Latest competitions and contests are displayed below. Pick one and enter to win! Check for the "Awarded" competitions - once you win those, you get a prize described in competition section! Feel free to start your own competition , its free!
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Upload a view from your home window - Photo competition

Easiest photo competition you can find ever! Take a shot of the view from your window, upload it as a solution. Done! The winner of this competition gets the right for a featured task and wins our premium t-shirt!

Photo competition by 21 entries 18816 views rating: 0 hint: EasyPeasy!

The Best Pet of Jan 2019! - Cutest Pet Competition

Grab your camera – it’s time for some action! Meet the liked Cutest Pet Competition - take a picture of your (your neighbour’s, friend’s,  schoolmate’s) pet, whoever it is – a cat, a dog, a spider or even a wife! ? The main rule – it (she?? Oh, nevermind the grammar!) should look really cute! Win the neckle with the image of your pet!

Photo competition by 35 entries 11532 views rating: 0 hint: EasyPeasy!

The Face of TaskRace 2019 - Photo Contest

We are running this photo contest in order to find the best face among our TaskRace users! Each time a nominee will be chosen, whose face will be in the hot spot of the website and all over it! Now this is your chance to get famous! We will also send you framed official “beauty diploma” which you could stick to the wall! Win win win!

Photo competition by 7 entries 10203 views rating: 256 hint: EasyPeasy!

How cute is your girlfriend? - Cutest Girl Contest

Got a cute girlfriend? Join our Cutest Girl Competition, surprise her – make her the Lady of TaskRace and award her with our secret prize...

Photo competition by 4 entries 10190 views rating: 90 hint: EasyPeasy!

How cute is your boyfriend? - Cutest Boy Contest

Got a cute boyfriend? Join our cutest boy competition, make him happy – make him the Man of  TaskRace and award him with our secret prize...

Photo competition by 2 entries 8157 views rating: 186 hint: EasyPeasy!

Draw a caricature on any celebrity or political figure! - Drawing/Photo contest

This is a drawing competition for graphics designers. Pick any celebrity or political figure you know. Draw or retouch them in Photoshop or any other software, give your work a good name and get the chance to be the face of the day on our website! You also win our cool t-shirt!

Photo competition by 1 entries 8254 views rating: 0 hint: WIN A T-SHIRT!

Shoot something crazy! - Photo Contest

Crazy photo competition! Take a picture of something that could impress even Jack Asses.  Upload it here, win the nomination and get a small secret prize from us ;) We thought it would be interesting if the prize is selected on the basis of the winning picture! So, go ahead, don’t be shy and become an easy winner!

Photo competition by 7 entries 8566 views rating: 0 hint: WIN A T-SHIRT!

The widest smile of the TaskRace - Cute Photo Contest

An easy peasy modelling photo competition again! We decided it was time for the widest smile on the TaskRace. Grab your camera and take a picture of your smile...

Photo competition by 7 entries 9581 views rating: 201 hint: EasyPeasy!

Think of a good illustration for our motto “Task+Solution(s)=Revolution!” - Graphics/Photo Competition

Think of how you can visualize our motto “Task+Solution=Revolution” or “Task->Solution->Revolution!” ...

Photo competition by 4 entries 7973 views rating: 0 hint: WIN A T-SHIRT!

The Golden WC award - photo competition

Easy peasy photo competition! Take a picture of your WC – and win the Golden WC awards of the month! Rules? No rules! Just do it with passion!

Photo competition by 8 entries 6604 views rating: 0 hint: EasyPeasy!